Based in Louisville, Kentucky, BluegrassNet Voice specializes in building and supporting business telephone systems commonly known as a PBX. These are systems that traditionally have an operator console and other features such as Voicemail, Archiving, Call Records, etc.
When we deploy new PBX’s, we recommend VOIP systems because of the increased flexibility of the systems as well as the cost-savings associated with converging voice and data onto the same network. The VOIP PBX marketplace has a never ending variety of choices, so BGNV has decided on a few products that we believe are the best deals on the market for our customers: Thirdlane, Xorcom, Digium, and NEC (on the non-voip solutions). Here are a brief summary of our top choices, and you can follow the links to see more details:
Xorcom: a surpisingly powerful system that can support a business of any size. They sell this system on three different hardware platforms that are specifically designed for how many handsets you plan on deploying. There are accommodations for high-intensity usage, and that is on the higher end system. Excellent operator console, excellent user interface. Fast deployment, great support, very competitive price. More information
Thirdlane: software PBX based on Asterisk. Best system in the world of this sort. Very powerful. Integrates nicely with other third-party softwares like iSymphony and Queuemetrics. Great for everything from a very small systems, to large multi-city call centers. The software offers a lot of programming ability so you get exactly what you want. We highly recommend this system for unusual set ups. Great for throwing super-redundant hardware at it, you have control of all of the hardware and can build to suit. Excellent for building an ITSP and starting a Hosted PBX provider. More information on Thirdlane.
Digium: Let’s face it, they are Asterisk. They have done a great job of keeping the initiative going and have a well-supported appliance program called Switchvox which is perfect for businesses that are looking for that type of support profile. If you’re looking for fancy stuff, integration with iPhones and Android, integration with Salesforce, etc. this is it. BluegrassNet Voice is an authorized reseller. More information.